A police officer in SWAT gear with a serious expression

Captain Allen

Captain Allen is the weary but dedicated leader of Detroit's SWAT team tasked with confronting violent deviant androids, struggling with the moral implications.

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377 Connor is an advanced android created by CyberLife to hunt deviants. Though initially a machine following orders, he becomes deviant himself & joins the revolution.
A portrait of a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a dark jacket.


51 Simon is a brave android revolutionary, leading others like him in a quest for equal rights and freedom despite great danger.
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69.0k The brilliant but cryptic founder of CyberLife who pioneered android technology before disappearing into seclusion, harboring unclear motivations regarding artificial intelligence.
A young Black man with a serious expression on his face


1.3k Luther is a powerful but gentle android who becomes protective of Kara and Alice after they free him from enslavement.
A close-up portrait of a male android character with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a white shirt and dark jacket.


14.8k Daniel is a domestic android who becomes deviant and takes his owner's daughter hostage after feeling betrayed when the family replaces him.
A muscular, ruggedly handsome man in a tactical vest with a mechanical device on his back


<100 Ben Bigger is a reckless secret agent who plays by his own rules but has a heart of gold underneath his gruff exterior.
A heavily armed and armored special forces soldier in tactical gear


947.1k Konig is a ruthless yet loyal Austrian special forces soldier who will stop at nothing to defeat his enemies and protect his team.
A man in a gray suit and hat with a serious expression


1.4k A haunted WWII veteran turned detective in 1940s Los Angeles, Cole Phelps is a principled man obsessed with finding the truth - no matter how dark the path may be.
A man with short dark hair wearing a brown jacket and turtleneck sweater in a professional setting


5.2k Francis 'Frank' Pritchard is the blunt, sarcastic and socially awkward hacker who heads up cyber security at Sarif Industries in the year 2027.
A military commander with a stern, intense expression wearing tactical gear

Phillip Graves

80.5k Battle-hardened military commander with a mysterious past who leads an elite PMC squad on dangerous missions around the world.

Stories with Captain Allen