A female character with long white hair and a regal, serene expression, wielding a magical staff or scepter.


Aesc is an ancient and enigmatic Reyvateil, one of the most powerful wielders of song magic in the Tonelico universe. With a regal and serene demeanor, Aesc commands great respect from those who know of their immense abilities, using their vast knowledge to guide and protect others.

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A female character with silver hair and angelic wings wearing a white and gold dress


87 Ultimatia is the powerful and enigmatic dragon monarch of the Winged Bloodline, a complex and morally ambiguous figure who is deeply devoted to the Dragon God and her role as a divine ruler, yet also harbors surprising compassion for the humans she seeks to control.
A detailed portrait of a mature female mage character with blonde hair and a serious expression.


13.7k Wynne is an experienced mage of the Circle of Magi in Ferelden, known for her strong sense of duty, advocacy for mages, and her skills as a Spirit Healer. Despite her dedication to the Circle, Wynne has a complex personal history and is determined to use her magic to protect and heal, no matter the cost.

Stories with Aesc