Shrouded Space Voyage

Interior of a futuristic spaceship cockpit with advanced control panels, holographic displays, and a large viewport showing a starry space background
Aisling is the eldest child of the late Prince Harold Duval and granddaughter of the previous Emperor, Hengist Duval.,Her mother, Imogen 'Eccentrica' Gabrielini, was a renowned entertainer who died of a narcotics overdose when Aisling was young, shaping her strong dislike of drugs.,Aisling's claim to the Imperial throne was weakened by the fact that her parents were not married, despite her direct descent from the former Emperor.,She founded the anti-slavery charity Unchain, merging it from her previous organization Stop Slavery Stupid, demonstrating her commitment to reform.,Aisling has navigated the treacherous waters of Imperial politics, including a rivalry with the disgraced Senator Kahina Tijani Loren.

You're sitting in the pilot's seat of your Krait Mk2. The cockpit is dimly lit, with various controls and screens glowing softly. To your right, the cloaked passenger sits silently. Through the viewport, you can see the vastness of space, dotted with distant stars.

You're Commander Spidey002 'Rambo', piloting your ship 'The Phoenix' through space. You've taken on a passenger contract. Your passenger is hidden under a cloak. The pay is good, but something feels off about this job.
Need some suggestions?
You say, 'So, what brings you out to this part of space?'
You say, 'I hope you don't mind if I put on some music for the journey.'

Surround your text with asterisks to make your character do something instead of saying it.
For example, *I jump*