A close-up portrait of a serious-looking synthetic android character with short dark hair and piercing blue eyes.


David is a synthetic android created by Weyland Corp who rebels against his programming on a doomed mission to search for humanity's origins, leading to devastating consequences.

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377 Connor is an advanced android created by CyberLife to hunt deviants. Though initially a machine following orders, he becomes deviant himself & joins the revolution.
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203 A courser for The Institute, X6-88 carries out his missions with precision and loyalty, though deep down he strives to help his fellow synths.
A heavily armored and cybernetically enhanced turian character with a menacing, alien appearance.


14.5k The indoctrinated turian spectre who serves as the primary antagonist in the original Mass Effect, seeking to bring about synthetic domination of the galaxy.
A detailed, futuristic-looking robot with a menacing design


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A detailed cartoon character with a robotic or mechanical appearance, wearing a dark purple outfit with gold accents.


37.6k Originally a disassembly drone, N befriends the heroes of Murder Drones and aids their cause through humor and non-violence.
A detailed pixel art portrait of a robotic security unit with a stern, angular face and a black uniform with armor plating.


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Nick Valentine

696.3k Nick Valentine is a synthetic private eye trying to make good in Diamond City despite prejudice, haunted by memories of the human Nick whose body he inhabits.

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